Justin Wheatley
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Key Skills: Strong building services and IT expertise together with experience of refurbishment and fit out of existing buildings. He is a good communicator with the ability to draw the professional team together and produce results. Technical understanding and experience both from the management and delivery position. Understands strategy, process and details. Provides drive and enthusiasm to push projects forward.

Role: Interfacing with clients, design teams and the contractor to agree and set strategies for the successful delivery of projects. Programme production and management. Overall “ownership” of the delivery of the scheme.

Background: Justin was also a co-founder of JJ2 Consultancy before his involvement with C&P. Previously worked at CNP in a leading role with the projects team having joined from the corporate client project management team at Capita Simonds. Justin has experience from delivery environments from his time at Hayden Young and ISG.



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Capital and Provincial provides client focused and results led Project Management and Property Consulting services to a wide client base from international corporations, to developers and individuals across the UK and Europe.

Capital and Provincial Project Management & Building Consulting Limited. All Rights Reserved. Part of Bellrock Group.

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