This month has brought the fantastic news that our Holbein Gardens project took home the Green Building Project of the Year at this years UK Green Business Awards.
The judges were impressed by Grosvenor's latest office redevelopment project, which promises to slash embodied carbon while delivering an all-electric building, improvements to biodiversity, and even CO2 absorbing bricks.

This news follows on from the news last month where the same project took home an award at the Waste Build Zero Awards. The project itself is being delivered by: Grosvenor Barr Gazetas Heyne Tillett Steel HDRTFT Capital And Provincial BLENHEIM HOUSE CONSTRUCTION LTD The Fire Surgery Holbein Gardens provides 25.000 sq ft of high quality, flexible workspace and sets a new benchmark for sustainable office buildings. The project has met the LETI Pioneer Project embodied carbon target of 500kg CO2/m2 and will contribute to Grosvenor’s goal for all managed buildings to be net zero operational by 2030
